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Special interests

This curriculum area offers learning in key purposeful activities that may stimulate future aspirations, areas of self-interest, or support skill development, in conjunction with work placements and future employment. Subjects are taught by teachers who are specialists within each subject area. They include:


Performing arts

Based in our fully equipped Wolfson Theatre, learners develop individual and group performing skills including mime, acting, improvisation, role play, stage craft, sensory movement and dance via the use of immersive theatre technology.



Our music rooms include our recording studio where learners have access to a range of musical instruments and music technology. Our student band regularly entertains the college community.


Eco College

An opportunity for learners to access wild places, visit the coast, community gardens, and woodlands; in order to develop individual responsibility for these places and to work towards conserving them.



We offer a range of sport and physical activities which supports our learners to lead and participate in healthy and active lifestyles.


Product enterprise

This allows learners to take an idea from a conceptual design through to production learning relevant enterprise skills as they market and sell their product.